Sew Near – Sew Far is part of Meeting Point2, a year-long project led by contemporary art agency Arts & Heritage that sees artists partner with museums to produce new artworks inspired by their collections. The stitch-based artworks form part of Brontë200, a five-year programme celebrating the bicentenaries of the births of the Brontës. The short film of the project offers additional potency; a legacy of the partnership work which is shared with a global audience on the BPM website.
Sew Near – Sew Far celebrates the famous signatures of the Brontë sisters.
Local people became part of the work when they added their own sewn signatures during a series of workshops . The work was installed with the help of local organisation Fields of Vision and is featured in the Brontë Museum guide, a new publication by Arts and Heritage, The Dalesman and The Times.
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